works on visual music - film/video, music
„Neubauer, la signora dei frattali“ Giannalberto Bendazzi in Il Sole 24 Ore about Fractal Cycles at AAM/Arte Accessibile Milano, April 2012
"Expanded Abstraction Program" at LA County Museum of Art, article by Cindy Keefer, curator of the program, Center for Visual Music, Los Angeles - Water Ambiences installation
Horst Dieter Sihler, "Die Brücke", Juni 2009
"Baerbel Neubauer - Von Computer Animation zur fractalen Bildtherapie" about computer animation ao Fractal Cycles
On Vimeo: PYR documentation of retrospective by Films by Baerbel Neubauer, PYR 2011
"Gesten und Geometrie" Review on exhibition and stage designs Bildklaenge in Kleine Zeitung, 11.July 2013, by Willi Rainer
„Abstract Horizions“ Article by Stanislav Ulver about Baerbel Neubauer for La Doba
Review on SKY, 70mm IMAX spot in magazine "Sight and Sound"
click on the image to see it in large
. Click on the image to see detail
„The Synesthetic World of Baerbel Neubauer“
Review of a screening at the Goethe House in collaboration with Filmforum Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Nov 2005 by Victoria Meng for the Iota Center, Los Angeles
Kleines Filmseminar/ Horst Dieter Sihler, at Musilhaus, Austria, Text by Horst Dieter Sihler, click on the image to see it large
Zelluloid-Film ohne Kamera“ Exhibition at the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt overview of the exhbition with interview B.N./Feuerhaus
„The Film Strip Tells All“ Article/ Review by Dr. William Moritz , Animationworld Magazine. About Moonlight and films in general
„Roots - An Experiment In Image And Sound“ Article in the Animation World Magazine ISSUE 3.6 - September 1998
Text, Fotos/Stills by Bärbel Neubauer .
„Fresh from the Festivals: December 1999´s Film reviews“ Review of „Firehouse“ by Maureen Furniss, PH.D. Animation World Magazine ISSUE 4.9 - DECEMBER 1999