Please get in touch!
You can contact us via email.
works on visual music - film/video, music
You can contact us via email.
For screenings my works are available as video HD files and some on 35mm filmprint. Films from the 80-ies are 16mm prints
35mm filmprints
Arsenal - Institut für Film und Videokunst, Berlin email
Center for Visual Music, Cindy Keefer, USA email
video HD files
of many films from the 80-ies, all films of the 90-ies, as well as many from 2000 on are available
Arsenal - Institut für Film und Videokunst, email
Baerbel Neubauer email
16mm filmprints
of my films from the 80-ies are avialble at
Arsenal - Institut für Film und Videokunst, email
Algorithmen * Falter-Spot7 * Roots * Moonlight * Holiday * Feuerhaus * Passage
Algorithmen * Falter-Spot7 * Roots * Moonlight * Holiday * Feuerhaus * Passage
Flockenspiel I-V * Flockenspiel I * Flockenspiel II * Flockenspiel III * Flockenspiel IV *
For Preview on Tuunes™ click here Percussion1
For Preview on Tuunes™ click here Percussion Groove
For Preview on Tuunes™ click here Marimba Groove1
link to 3 Ringtones on Tuunes™:
You can also buy them there if you follow instructions. they are 1,29.-Dollar. They are also available on iTunes worldwide except Germany and Ireland.