2025: homepage updated with new software
2024: Airwaves @2008/2024
2023: DVD "Colors & Minutes" now also as HD DVD
2022 Ringtones
Darbuka Groove, SalzaSaz 2023
2022: All films in digital format HD
Here you can find works on visual music that I created on several media.
2018/20 Ringtones
Percussion1 Marimba Groove1 Percussion Groove
Water Ambiences v.2@2014, installation, HD video, 3 channels, for informations and stills go to the installation page and they are also on the exhibition page. Soundscape (for) Water Ambiences, @2014. An excerpt of the soundscape is on the installation page, it starts automatically once you have entered the page (as background music of the page), please turn on sound volume on your device.
Nov 2015 Projection Artisten for stage design Artisten, theatre piece by Petra Maria Grühn
Bildklang, Stage design, exhibition @2013, for informations click here
Recent Screenings, exhibition, music (not all are listed)
17.Nov.2024 „Roots“ in program „Bilderrausch“, curated by Doris Senn, Filmpodium, Zürich, Switzerland
22. September 2024, 16.00 „Flockenspiel I“ in program „Großes Kino, kleines Kino #70 – Was klingt, kratzt, raschelt da im Film?“, Arsenal Berlin, Eunice Martins
8. Oktober 2023, 16.00 „Feuerhaus“ in program „Großes Kino, kleines Kino #63: Kurzfilmprogramm und Klangwerkstatt“ Arsenal Berlin, Eunice Martins
20.August 2023, 11:00 „Algorithmen“ in "Film ohne Kamera", enstation.familienkino, endstation.kino Program by Nina Selig
15.January 2023 Algorithmen in program „Großes Kino, kleines Kino # 58: Malen, kratzen, schmirgeln – Filme ohne Kamera“, Arsenal Berlin. Stefanie Schlüter
Nov.25th Washington DC, National Gallery of Art, Algorithmen in program "Color Rhythms": Abstract Animation from Center for Visual Music program curated by CVM, Center for Visual Music
29.November 2022: "Besser Essen", "Rosamunde", "Die Kuckucksuhr" by Baerbel Neubauer within Retrospective of Films by Peter Schreiner (https://www.echtzeitfilm.at) at the Filmmuseum Vienna, Austria
16./17. September 2022 Palmera/Spain Moonlight 17.9. in Program JARDÍN PARAÍSO/PARADISE GARDEN curated by Andrea Franco
6.04.2022 at the Filmmuseum Vienna, Austria in program dok.at "Auf dem Weg" Peter Schreiner - Vorfilm "Mondlicht" Baerbel Neubauer, @1984
24. October 2021, 13.50 „Mondlicht“ in program „Großes Kino, kleines Kino #46: Im Rhythmus der Farben“
June 28 and July 5 2021 Melbourne, Australia. ACMI, Algorithmen in, Oskar's Legacy: Films Influenced by Fischinger. program by Cindy Keefer, Center for Visual Music https://www.acmi.net.au/whats-on/artfilm/oskar-fischinger-influenced-filmmakers/
So 27. September 2020, 19.00 Uhr „Roots“ in Program „Großes Kino, kleines Kino #35 Was klingt, kratzt, raschelt da im Film?“ Arsenal Berlin
So 22. März 2020 „Roots“ in program „Großes Kino, kleines Kino #35: Was klingt, kratzt, raschelt da im Film?“ Arsenal Berlin
upcoming: 17.Nov.2025 „Algorithmen“ in program „Best Austrian Animation“, curated by Thomas Renoldner, „Mostra 25“, Portugal
For more informations on screening exhibition installation and events please visit the presentation page.