Exhibition and Stage Design BILDKLAENGE 10.-28.July 2013
at Musikforum Viktring „Neue Welten 2 - Asia meets Europe meets Asia“
Opening: Foyer Freskensaal 10.July 2013, 18:00, Stift Viktring, Austria
works on visual music - film/video, music
at Musikforum Viktring „Neue Welten 2 - Asia meets Europe meets Asia“
Opening: Foyer Freskensaal 10.July 2013, 18:00, Stift Viktring, Austria
at LACMA Los Angeles, curated by Cindy Keefer
at University in Singapore
at gallery esc, Austria
@1011, V0.0 3:40, looped, 3 channel HD video.
@2014, v 1.0 7:40, 3 channel HD video.
Image, sound/music, production: Baerbel Neubauer
Water Ambiences aaa v.0 © 2011 aav.1 ©2011-13 aa v.2 ©2014,a 10:16 aaHD video, 3 channels, Baerbel Neubauer
constists of fractal structures with some kind of natural look and movements.These fractal systems were created for 3 screens, in order to morph, continue and interact on the neighbour screen - with a relative system from another view/camera, like a more macroscopic or miscroscopic view of a varied system, with a system of different material or quality, like water, or some stylized patterns within the system. The images were made to interact and communicate with each other as well as with the people and the surrounding. Therefore it is silent, it is meant to screen with the sounds and atmosphere of the screening place.
As the single channels don´t have exactly the same duration, the looping creates innumerable interactions of the 3 channels. And with the sound, if is an installation with soundscape, like in esc.
It was made as first short version for program by CVM at LACMA
at Musikforum Viktring „Neue Welten 2 - Asia meets Europe meets Asia“
Opening: Foyer Freskensaal 10.July 2013, 18:00
The exhibition was curated by Brigitte Bidovec, arts promotion & sponsoring
Werner Ueberbacher, direcotr of festival
Manfred Paul Westphal, director of festival
"Gesten und Geometrie" Review on exhibition and stage designs Bildklaenge in Kleine Zeitung, 11.July 2013, by Willi Rainer
Exhibition BILDKLAENGE, Baerbel Neubauer, 2013
Exhibition BILDKLAENGE, Baerbel Neubauer, 2013
Edition Musikforum BILDKLANG, Baerbel Neubauer, 2013
Stage Design BILDKLANG, Baerbel Neubauer, 2013
Stage Design BILDKLANG I, Baerbel Neubauer, 2013
Stage Design BILDKLANG I, Baerbel Neubauer, 2013
FRACTAL CYCLES 06.1, Baerbel Neubauer 2005-2011, print on Plexi
Left: MUSIKBEWEGUNG 8, 2013, Baerbel Neubauer, Right: FRAKTALER RHYTHMUS 4_13.8, Baerbel Neubauer 2013 Print on Plexi
18.10.2017 - 1.12.2017