Digital works, movies from 2000 on
In 2000 I started to work on digital animated images and sounds, "digital Motion paintings in image and sound" creating a.o. the abstract animation film FLOCKENSPIEL I - IV in four parts. In Flockenspiel I I painted with self made brushes in Painter Software, creating it frame by frame, as I had worked up to then. In Flockenspiel II I used Painter and U&I Software, this was not all frame by frame any more, in Flockenspiel III and in Flockenspiel IV I did not work frame by frame.
It was a smooth tranisition from analogue working to digital animation.
After this I continued with digital working, creating AIRWAVES, MORPHS OF PEGASUS, FRACTAL CYCLES and WATER AMBIENCES
In the following sections Click on the movie link to see excerpt.
Flockenspiel I
@2000-2004 3:29 HD video, painted with Painter with self made brushes.
Image, sound/music, production: Baerbel Neubauer

link to Movie/Excerpt 1
link to Movie/Excerpt 2
Flockenspiel II
@2000-2004 7:00 HD video, painted with Painter with self made brushes, and software,
Image, sound/music, production: Baerbel Neubauer

link to Movie/Excerpt
Flockenspiel III
@2000-2004 7:00 HD video, painted with U&I software,
Image, sound/music, production: Baerbel Neubauer

link to Movie/Excerpt
Flockenspiel IV
@2000-2004 6:18 HD video, painted with U&I software, ua software.
Image, sound/music, production: Baerbel Neubauer

link to Movie/Excerpt
@ 2001 0:10 Image & Musik: Baerbel Neubauer
Clip for the CD coming with Steven Subotnik´s Book "Animation in the home digital studio"

link to Movie/Excerpt
@2000-2004, 2023/24 6:32 HD video, painted with U&I software.
Image, sound/music, production: Baerbel Neubauer

link to Movie/Excerpt
Chiavari Spot
@2004 1:00 HD video, painted with Vue software.
Image, sound/music: Baerbel Neubauer Production: Chiavari International Animation Festival,

link to Movie/Excerpt will come
Morphs of Pegasus
@2005-2009, 2025 in progress, will be ca 16:00
Image, sound/music, production: Baerbel Neubauer

The film is a journey through planetlike worlds and objects of phantasy.There is not cut, the spectator moves inside the space from one place to the next.
It was not completed by 2009, in 2025 completion is being planned.
Fractal Cycles
@1010, 2023/25 was 25:40, HD video.
Image, sound/music, production: Baerbel Neubauer
In 2025 correction might create fragments

Water Ambiences
@2014, 7:40, 3 channel HD video.
Image, sound/music, production: Baerbel Neubauer

Trypticon Version for screening in cinema: all 3 channels in one