
Here you can find works on visual music that I created on several media, such as film, video, stage design, installation, images and music.

You can view excerpts of my films by clicking on „link to movie“.

A selection of movies is also on my music homepage. It will be updated with new software - at the moment it does not work properly. The excerpts can be seen here, as well.

Films of the 90-ies: they are mostly abstract „Direct on Film“ works.

Films from 2000 on are "digital Motion paintings in image and sound" they are abstract HD videos, ao. „Flockenspiel I-IV“, and some more, and 3 channel HD video, „Water Ambiences“

Works a.o. are also stage design/installation, as well as single images for exhibition - created especially for certain purpose, and also stills from the movies.

At present I am working on music a.o.

Informations on distribution and more can be found on the contact page

You can easily navigate through all pages by clicking on the "next" button.
